Customer Case Studies

Kyodo Printing Nishinihon Using HULFT and HULFT Script

Using HULFT and HULFT Script to efficiently implement a secure and easy-to-operate data exchange infrastructure for medical institutions.


Kyodo Printing Nishinihon is a comprehensive printing company.

Systems Department,
Sales Planning Division


  • Security: Medical institutions deal with highly sensitive data.
  • Usability: Staffs in charge of exchanging data with medical institutions are not IT specialists.
  • Resources: Limited resources were available to implement and then carry out ongoing maintenance of the system.


To ensure security, HULFT and HULFT Script were selected as essential parts of the communication infrastructure to exchange sensitive data with medical institutions.

  • Security: HULFT and HULFT script enabled high-speed communications while maintaining security.
  • Usability: By using HULFT Script, staff could send a file to a medical institution by just dragging a file to a specific folder. No special steps or settings were required.
  • Efficiency: Installation was much faster than implementing a custom-coded system. Furthermore, operations such as data checking and management of transfers were fully automated.
  • Transparency: It became easy to track file transfer history.
  • Cost: This electronic system removed the need for transportation of physical documents via secure couriers, realizing a considerable cost reduction.

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