DataSpider Servista Concept

The following section describes the concept of DataSpider Servista.

DataSpider Servista

DataSpider Servista is an easy to use Data Integration Service platform featuring a graphic-rich IDE that which allows users to connect integration components visually and achieve developing of own integration business logic, or services for their needs without any programming skills.
With a simple drag and a drop operation, developers can create, debug, and deploy simple or complex business logic and integrates systems quickly and easily. Each business logic is represented by Operation. An Operation can be connected by selecting its corresponding icon and dragging the cursor to the next icon in the process flow, which is how a flow of process is composed. All business logic created can be registered with DataSpiderServer and make them publicized as Service through trigger functions externally accessible.
Other functions that facilitate development and deployment such as user management, log output and triggers.

Composition of DataSpider Servista

DataSpider Servista consists of the following application.

Name Description
DataSpider Studio Studio is an IDE designed to maximize developer productivity and to simplify service deployment and administrative tasks.
DataSpiderServer Service execution environment
ScriptRunner Application interface for the external invocation of service
CLI Console command line and web accessible server management console

The following applications can be used on web browser after DataSpiderServer is installed.

Name Description
DataSpider Studio for Web Studio for Web is an IDE for the design, operation, and management of services on web browser.
WebConsole WebConsole is a tool for the operation and management of services on web browser.
Browser Help Browser Help is a help that can be referenced by web browser .

DataSpider Studio/DataSpider Studio for Web

DataSpider Studio(Studio) and DataSpider Studio for Web(Studio for Web) are IDE designed to maximize developer productivity and to simplify service deployment and administrative tasks. These are called "client".

Studio/Studio for Web consists of the following tools.

Name Description
Designer is a GUI tool which enables creation of executable, called Script.
In Designer, each process is represented by its corresponding icon. By selecting and dragging the cursor to the next icon in the process flow, icons can be connected and the connected icons represents operations.
A script, when its creation is finished, can be registered with DataSpiderServer as a service and can be directly invoked by trigger functions and indirectly by external applications.
My Projects Manages all projects created.
Each created project is assigned to a registered user. A list of projects owned by a user is displayed in the My Projects. Creating new projects or editing existing projects are controlled within from My Projects.
My Triggers Manages trigger functions.
A list of triggers available to a user is displayed in My Triggers, a convenient accessory to view the results of trigger executed scripts, which includes the script execution status and script execution time.
My Logs Enables registration of the filter criteria for the search result, in addition to viewing the result.
Filter criterion are managed by users. It displays the all of the search result that matched the criteria registered by the user.
Filter criteria can be useful to aggregate the result of an interest on regular basis. If you are going to check all of the abnormal termination of operations that occurred yesterday in the next morning, you could register it as "Abnormal termination occurred yesterday" and use this filter every morning to gather only the relevant results.
Explorer A file manager which allows accessing resources in the DataSpider filesystem
Within the Explorer, files and directories can be created and deleted.It also allows editing of text files.
Control Panel Allows users to view and manipulate system settings and controls.
It includes, environmental variables settings, user account settings, resource monitoring tool.


It is an execution environment for the script created by Designer. DataSpiderServer is simply called server.
Services hosted by DataSpiderServer can be executed in conjunction with events that is triggered by Triggers or "ScriptRunner".
DataSpiderServer has the built in trigger mechanism and security mechanisms to restrict access to resources such as file. It also uses its own file system abstraction layer, which enables transparent file system access regardless of the host OS.
See DataSpiderServer Architecture for any details.

Repository DB

In DataSpider Servista, the repository area where user information, coordinated processing, and various data of DataSpider are kept can be set to RDB (relational database). RDB to which this repository area is set is called "Repository DB".
If repository DB is not set, the function of the user management and the function of the access control of the file cannot be used.


ScriptRunner is an application programming interface, using which an external application can "fire off" the DataSpider registered services
Server ScriptRunner is installed in $DATASPIDER_HOME/server/bin, and Client ScriptRunner is installed in $DATASPIDER_HOME/client/bin.
ScriptRunnerProxy can be utilized in a Java application.

CLI Console

CLI Console provides a command line interface with which DataSpiderServer can be operated.
Server CLIConsole is installed in $DATASPIDER_HOME/server/bin, and Client CLIConsole is installed in $DATASPIDER_HOME/client/bin.


WebConsole is a tool for the operation and management of services on web browser.

DataSpider Filesystem directory structure

The Structure of the installation directory of DataSpider Servista is as follows .
Those directories with (*) represents that they are used during service development and operation.

Directory path Description
$DATASPIDER_HOME/server bin(*) Directory where executable files and configuration files for server applications is stores.
conf(*) Directory where configuration files for server applications is stores.
data(*) Directory for users
doc Directory for help files
etc Directory where static configuration files are found.
ftp(*) Directory dedicated to FTP server
home Used for storing project files, containing saved files.User's home directory.
lib(*) Directory for the library that need to be placed outside.
lic(*) Directory for license files.
logs(*) Directory for log output.
plugin Directory for adapter and trigger modules.
samples Directory where sample projects can be located.
schema(*) Directory where schema is stored.
share Directory for all shared project files
system Directory for system modules.
thirdparty_license(*) The license agreement for third party software that DataSpider Servista uses is stored.
tmp(*) Directory where temporary files are created.
$DATASPIDER_HOME/client bin(*) Directory where executable files and configuration files for client applications is stores.
conf(*) Directory where configuration files for client applications is stores.
doc Directory for help files
logs(*) Directory for log output.
plugin Directory for adapter and trigger modules.
report Directory of generated specification files.
system Directory for system modules.
tmp(*) Directory where temporary files are created.

Restrictions on characters used in DataSpider Servista

Use of the following characters and strings are disallowed in DataSpider Servista.

Specification Limitations


Bundled Java Runtime Environment

Java Runtime Environment(JRE) is bundled with DataSpider Servista.
DataSpider Servista applications use the JRE bundled.

Installation of other JRE or JDK will not affect DataSpider Servista applications.

Files created by System

Projects and other data used are saved as files, are not meant to be examined and modified manually.Doing so will cause instability to the application they are associated with.
Therefore, files that are not created by users should not be edited manually.