HULFT Technical Support & FAQ

[update]Regarding Disabling TLS 1.0 Connection in the HULFT Technical Support site

Creation Date : February 22nd, 2017

Added on February 22nd, 2017

The date to disable the TLS 1.0 encryption protocol will be changed as following:

[Before] Date: March 5th, 2017 (Sunday) 2:30 a.m. (JST)

[After] Date: July 22nd, 2017 (UTC)

For details regarding the time, we will be announcing as soon as it is confirmed.


Thank you for your continued use of "HULFT Technical Support & FAQ."

As a security reinforcement of the HULFT Technical Support & FAQ, we will be disabling the TLS 1.0 encryption protocol.

Date: July 22nd, 2017 (UTC)

URLs subject to this change:

The HULFT Technical Support & FAQ logged in and linked from the above URLs

In order to access to the HULFT Technical Support & FAQ, please access by the TLS1.1 or TLS 1.2 encryption protocol with the recommended browser.

The recommended browsers are the following:

Recommended Browsers

■Microsoft Internet Explorer Ver. 9, 10, and 11

IE version 11: Compatibility does exist as one of the default settings.

IE version 9 and 10: In order to enable the encryption of TLS 1.1 or above,

please put checks in the check boxes next to [Use TLS 1.1] and

[Use TLS 1.2] from the [Advanced] tab in [Internet Options].

■Mozilla Firefox

The latest stable version: Compatibility does exist as one of the default settings.

■Google Chrome

The latest stable version: Compatibility does exist as one of the default settings.

Regarding the settings of each browser, please verify with your environment's system administrator or browser vendors.

[Revision History]

January 13th, 2017

First Edition Created

February 22nd, 2017

-Date Corrected