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[Release Information & Website Update Announcement] HULFT Technical Support site Update Announcement and Etc.

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    HULFT Technical Information  [NO.2018013127]  --January 31st, 2018--


【 Latest Information Index 】
【1】HULFT Release Information -February 2018 edition-
【2】DataSpider Servista Related Information
【3】Latest FAQ Update Announcement
【4】HULFT Technical Support Site Update Announcement
【5】About "Important Announcement" Posted at
┗■ 1.HULFT Release Information -February 2018 edition-
 The product updates (version, level, and revision) and
 the addition/discontinuation of OS, database, web browser compatible
 with the products for this month are as follows.

  <Product License>

   There is no product release.
  <Subscription Service>
   There is no product release.
  <Additional Compatible OS and Middleware>
   There is no additional compatible OS and middleware.
┗■ 2.DataSpider Servista Related Information

 │DataSpider Servista Related Release Information

■DataSpider Servista Release Description

  ・Released the Service Pack (SP2) for DataSpider Servista Advanced Server 
   Package/Basic Server Package/Select 4.1 on January 9, 2018.

■New Function
  The following are the main features included in DataSpider Servista 4.1 SP2

  ・Supports connecting to List Creator V10.x.x with the List Creator adapter
  ・Supports connecting to DataSpider BPM 2.5 with the DataSpider BPM adapter
  ・Added the following operations to the kintone adapter
   - Read Table
   - Write Table
   - Delete Table Data
  ・Supports obtaining a schema of when the record count is 0 
   upon the following operation of the kintone adapter
   - Obtain Record
   - Add Record
   - Update Record
  ・Supports displaying [Field List]'s [Field Name]
   upon the following operation of the kintone adapter
   - Obtain Record
   - Add Record
   - Update Record
  ・Supports the following fields to be not read or written when
   [Update Field List] is clicked upon the kintone adapter's
   record obtaining and adding processes
   - Created by
   - Updated by
   - Created datetime
   - Updated datetime
  ・Supports reading the table row ID upon the kintone adapter's record obtaining process
  ・Added the Dr.Sum 5.0 adapter
  ※ For a detailed description, please refer to the release note included in the service pack.

 │Introduction of DataSpider Servista 4.1 SP2

We would like to introduce the functional improvement that will reduce the hassle of
setting "Fields" upon the kintone adapter's operation from the support description of 
DataSpider Servista 4.1 SP2.

■Functional Improvement of [Field List]
 We improved the following functions of [Field List] that are displayed on
 the adapter property of [Obtain Record], [Add Record], and [Update Record].

 ▼Added [Field Name] in the displaying items
  Until this update, we only showed [Field Code] to distinctively identify the field.
  By including the [Field Name], it is now easier to compare with
  items displayed on the kintone side upon creating a cooperative process.

 ▼Even if the record count is 0, you can now obtain a schema by [Update Field List].
  Until this update, you needed to create a test data to obtain a schema
  since it required a record to exist.
  With this improvement, even when you are creating a new cooperative process of kintone app, 
  you can now obtain a schema without registering data.
 ▼Able to add without the reading/writing check on the following items
  in default upon clicking on [Update Field List].
   - Created by
   - Updated by
   - Created datetime
   - Updated datetime
  We heard from lots of customers that the above items were not used in reading/writing of
  a normal data since they are systems management items.
  Also, they require app administrator permission upon writing so
  it created the hassle of unchecking the items every time for many customers.

  Therefore, we changed it so those items' [Reading]
   and [Writing] is unchecked upon clicking on [Update Field List].
  If needed, you can just manually put a check on it so it can be included to be read or written.

 │DataSpider Servista Patch Release Information

We would like to inform you that we released a patch for DataSpider Servista.

■DataSpider Servista Releae Description

  ・A REST adapter's patch for DSS41SP2_180131_02
   DataSpider Servista 4.1 SP2

 │DataSpider BPM Related Release Information

We would like to inform you that we had a DataSpider BPM related release

■DataSpider BPM Release Description

  ・Released DSBPM25_WIN
   DataSpider BPM 2.5
┗■ 3.Latest FAQ Update Announcement

 Including the new FAQ released in October, there are 4 FAQs in total.
 <Technical FAQ>
   How to export/import each of various Management Information
   Please tell me how to export/import the HULFT Management Information.
   By using the Management Information Parameter File Generation
   command (program), you can export parameter files (definition cards)
   in text formats.

    →For more details please refer to FAQ No:28647
   About name resolution of the remote host name by hosts registration, etc.
   in HULFT of the receiving side
   Do I need to add the host name of sending host that will become
   the remote host upon receiving to DNS or hosts so it can have name 
   resolution on the receiving side HULFT?
   If you are processing send requests from the receiving side HULFT,
   you will need to have name resolution on the receiving side because
   it needs to connect to the remote (sending side) host. Therefore,
   you need to add to the hosts file or DNS in order to have name resolution
   of the sending side host name.
    →For more details please refer to FAQ No:28648
 The details can be reviewed at the HULFT Technical Support site top page.
 Please visit the website to check out for more useful information to our
 valued customers.
 *The product serial number is required when you log
  into the HULFT Technical Support site.
┗ ■ 4.HULFT Technical Support Site Update Announcement

 <January 9th, 2018>
  ■Along with the product release, we added the following product's manual and release documents.
  ・DataSpider Servista 4.1 SP1 with Software Protection

  ■Along with the product release, we added the following product's manual.
  ・HULFT IoT Ver.1.3.1

  ■The following product's patch information is now publicly available.
  ・DataSpider Servista 4.1 SP2

  ■We revised the following product's release documents.
  ・HULFT8 for Windows Ver.8.0.1

 <January 19th, 2018>
  ■The following product's patch information is now publicly available.
  ・DataSpider Servista 4.1 SP2
┗■ 5.About "Important Announcement" Posted at

 The following information is posted on the January 2018 edition at "Important Announcement" of
 <January 24th, 2018>
  Report About the Java's Vulnerabilities (such as CVE-2018-2638)
  in HULFT Series Products
 Regarding the details of the past information, please check the PDF file at the following URL:
■ HULFT Website

■ HULFT Technical Support site
 =>[HULFT Homepage] -> [Technical Support site] 

 * The product serial number is required when you log into the HULFT Technical Support site.

■ HULFT Technical information mail discontinued
 [HULFT Website] -> [myHulft] Login 
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 * Please register at myHULFT if you have not completed the registration process at myHULFT yet.

 * Please note that it might take some time to complete the change request.

■ Adding/changing email address to the HULFT Technical Information email delivery
 For customers who are receiving emails for the first time, after logging into [myHULFT],
 =>[Personal Settings] -> [Profile]

 *[myHULFT] user registration to receive emails is required.

 => [License] -> [New Registration]

 * Please register the support contract commenced serial No.

■About Initiatives to Personal Information Protection Policy and other company information protection