
Logic Name



Alters output when the given condition is fulfilled or not.

Data Types

Location Type
The first input handler All
The second input handler All
The third input handler All
The fourth input handler All
Logic output String
lightbulbRefer to "Logic Specifications" for details.


Category Property Description
Condition Determination target Select the target of determination.
Condition Determination method Select the determination method of condition.
Condition Criterion Select the determination criteria condition.
Condition Determination content Select the determination content of condition.
Fulfilled Output method Select the output method when the condition is fulfilled.
Fulfilled Output content Select the output content when the condition is fulfilled.
Unfulfilled Output method Select the output method when the condition is not fulfilled.
Unfulfilled Output content Select the output content when the condition is not fulfilled.
Comment Comment The comment will also be output to the specifications.It does not affect the conversion process.

Function Details

Use input data set as an arbitrary input handler for [Determination target].
Use values set to each property or input data set as an arbitrary input handler for [Determination content], [Output content] for fulfilled and unfulfilled.

Condition Properties

Specify the condition to alter output.

Determination target Select the target of determination.
The number of the input handler, elements connected to input handler as well as comments on logics are displayed in the pulldown menu.
Determination method Select from the list how to specify the determination content.
  • [Compare with specified value]:(Default)
    [Determination content] becomes free entry area.
  • [Compare with variable]:
    [Determination content] property becomes a list of logicSelect the target of determination. The number of the input handler, elements connected to input handler as well as comments on logics are displayed in the pulldown menu.
Criterion Select criteria from the list.
The contents shown in the pulldown menu vary by the data type of [Determination target].
Determination content Select the determination content of condition.
  • When [Compare with specified value] is selected in [Determination method]:
    Specifies the value to compare in free entry area.
  • When [Compare with variable] is selected in [Determination method]:
    Select from the list which input handler to use its value as content of comparison. The number of the input handler, elements connected to input handler as well as comments on logics are displayed in the pulldown menu.

Properties in case of condition being fulfilled/unfulfilled

Specify output value for each occasion when the condition is fulfilled/unfulfilled.

Output method Select from the list how to specify the output value.
  • [Output specified value]:(Default)
    [Determination content] becomes free entry area.
  • [Output variable]:
    [Determination content] property becomes a list of logic mapped to input handlers. The number of the input handler, elements connected to input handler as well as comments on logics are displayed in the pulldown menu.
Output content Specify the output value.
  • When [Output specified value] is selected in [Output method]:
    Specifies the value to output in free entry area.
  • When [Output variable] is selected in [Output method]:
    Select from the list which input handler to output its value. The number of the input handler, elements connected to input handler as well as comments on logics are displayed in the pulldown menu.

Data Types Available as Determination target

Data types that can be input as determination target.

Data Types
String type
Integer type
Decimal type
Boolean type

Logic Sample

Mapping Definition

Logic Settings and Processing Result

The following shows the mapping example to insert string "Unclassified" when the value of column "Category" is empty(null) in input data, and output the value itself if it is not empty(null).
Property Settings
Property Setting
Condition Determination target 1.Check Null
Determination method Compare with specified value
Criterion Equal to ?
Determination content true
Fulfilled Output method Output specified value
Output content Unclassified
Unfulfilled Output method Output variable
Output content 2. Category
Input Data
Result Data