Logic specification (Merge Mapper)

Mapper Logic

Mapper Logic (hereinafter: the logic) is a function that can perform various conversion/processing such as arithmetic operation and character replacement.

Usage of Mapper Logic

The process of using Mapper Logics is the same as the Document Mapper and the Variable Mapper.
Refer to "Usage of Mapper Logic" for details.

Mapper Logic Specifications

Logic Type

Logic are roughly divided into two types: "Loop" and "Convert".
Type can be determined from the chip at the upper left of the icon.

Logic Type Chip Image Palette tab name
Merge Logic Chip representing merge logic Merge
Convert logic Chip representing convert logic Branch

Refer to "Data Type of Convert Logic" for the convert logic.

Merge Logic

Merge logic type

In Merge Mapper, integration based on various criteria can be done using Merge Mapper logic(hereinafter: Merge logic) that specifies integration criteria.
The following Merge logic are available in DataSpider Servista.


Output each input source separately in the specified output schema.

Integrates all input sources that matches the criteria to the output destination.

Only the input source data matching the criteria are subjects.
And-Append MergeAnd-Append Merge
Only the input source data matching the criteria are output subjects.Output each input source separately.
And-Integrate MergeAnd-Integrate Merge
Only the input source data matching the criteria are output subjects. Data that meets the criteria are output together as one.

All input source data are subjects.
Or-Append MergeOr-Append Merge
All input source data are output subjects.Output each input source separately.
{0/}Or-Integrate MergeOr-Integrate Merge
All input source data are output subjects.Data that meets the criteria are output together as one.

The first input source data is the subject.
- Left-Right-Join MergeLeft-Right-Join Merge
The first input source data is the output subject. Data that meets the criteria are output together as one.

For information regarding the difference of each merge logics' performance, refer to "Logic Sample" of each merge logic.

When null is input

Null indicating no value existing may be input to adapter like database.
For information regarding how to treat null entered in the convert logic, refer to "When null is input".

Specification Limits

For information regarding the common specification limits on the Mapper Logic, refer to "Common to all mappers".


For information regarding the common notes, refer to "Common to all users".