Location | Type |
The first input handler | String |
Logic output | String |
Category | Property | Description |
Required | Convert katakana | Specify the method of converting the em-size katakana into normal-width. |
Required | Convert alphabet | Specify the method of converting the em-size alphabet into normal-width. |
Required | Convert number | Specify the method of converting the em-size number into normal-width. |
Required | Convert sign | Specify the method of converting the em-size sign into normal-width. |
Option of sign conversion | Convert middle point | Specify whether to convert em-size middle point (E)into normal-width middle point (₯) . |
Comment | Comment | The comment will also be output to the specifications.It does not affect the conversion process. |
Before | After |
@@(ideographic space ) | (space) |
I | ! |
| # |
| $ |
| % |
| & |
f | ' |
i | ( |
j | ) |
| * |
{ | + |
C | , |
u+ff0d(fullwidth hyphen-minus) | - |
D | . |
^ | / |
F | : |
G | ; |
| < |
| = |
| > |
H | ? |
| @ |
m | [ |
n | ] |
O | ^ |
Q | _ |
' | ` |
o | { |
b | | |
p | } |
u+ff5e(fullwidth tilde) | ~ |
E | ₯ |
h | " |
_ | u+005c(reverse solidus) |
u+30fc(katakana-hiragana pronged sound mark) | ° |
Property | Setting |
Convert katakana | Checked |
Convert alphabet | Checked |
Convert number | Checked |
Convert sign | Checked |
Convert middle point | Not Checked |
TvEf[^ |
»έΜίΩEΓή°ΐ |
1234567890 |
»έΜίΩABC12345!? |