

Explorer is a tool for editing and viewing file or directories on DataSpider filesystem
For more information about DataSpider file system, refer to "DataSpider File System".

Functions provided by Explorer

Explorer provides the following functions
Description of Functions
Name of functions Description Remarks
List files and directories Lists files and directories.Listed when Explorer starts
  • Sorted by standard unicode character order.
Create new directory Create a new directory.  
Create new text file Create a new text file.  
Create new XML file Create a new XML file.  
Download file or directory to local file system Download a directory or file of DataSpider filesystem to local filesystem.
  • With Studio for Web, if a directory is selected it is zip compressed before it is downloaded.
Upload directory/file Upload a directory or file of local filesystem to DataSpider filesystem.
  • With Studio for Web, folder needs to be zip compressed before it is uploaded.
  • With Studio for Web, zip archived folder will be uncompressed as it is uploaded to the target destination.
Lock files and directories Sets a lock on the directory or file.
  • If only repository DB is used, a menu will be displayed.
Unlock files and directories Unlocks the directory or file which are locked.
  • If only repository DB is used, a menu will be displayed.
Mount Call the Mount settings from Explorer.  
Properties of files and directories View or edit basic information such as the location and the size of a file or a folder, as well as security related information such as the owner and access permission.  
Edit files Open the file in a text editor and edit the contents of the file.  

List files and directories

By selecting [View]-[Details] in the menu, detailed information on a file or a directory is displayed. If you select [View]-[List] on the menu, only the file or the directory is displayed.
Description of items
Item name Description Remarks
Name Name of directory or file  
Lock name of the user who owns the lock on file or directory  
Size size of a file
  • Size of directories are not shown
type Type of file or directory
  • It is either File or Directory
    • FILE: file
    • DIRECTORY directory:
  • Type of file system
    • LOCAL:local file system
    • LOCAL|EXTENDED:Extended local file system
  • For details regarding file system type, see Types of DataSpider filesystem.
Date modified Last modified date of file or directory  
Mode File permissions
  • Three permission triads
    • 1-3 triad:what the owner can do
    • 4-6 triad: what the group members can do
    • 7-9 triad:what other users can do
  • Each triad
    • r:readable
    • w:writable
    • x:executable
    • -:none
  • Example:rwxrw-r--
    • The owner of the file has full permissions; read, write, and execute.
    • The uses in the same group has read and write permission.
    • others are granted read permission

Create new directory

A new directory can be created from [File]-[New]-[Directory] menu action.
See Restrictions on character used in the names of files and directories for any restrictions on the usage of characters in their names

Create new text file

A new file can be created from [File]-[New]-[Text File] menu action.
See Restrictions on character used in the names of files and directories for any restrictions on the usage of characters in their names.

Create new XML file

A new XML file can be created from [File]-[New]-[XML File] menu action.
See Restrictions on character used in the names of files and directories for any restrictions on the usage of characters in their names.

Download file or directory to local file system

To download file or folder, use [File]-[Download to local] menu action.

Upload directory/file

To upload a file or a folder use [File]-[Upload from local] menu action.

Lock files and directories

To lock files and directories use [File]-[Lock] menu action.

When files and directories are locked, no one including administrator can modify the file.
If only repository DB exists, a menu will be displayed.

Unlock files and directories

To unlock files and directories use [File]-[Unlock] action.

Administrator can unlock all files and directories.
If only repository DB exists, a menu will be displayed.


To open mount settings, use [Tools]-[Mount Settings] menu action.
Refer to mount configuration for more information about Mount.

Properties of files and directories

To modify the meta data of files and directories use [File]-[Properties] action.
For user account management see User Management.
Description of items
Item name Description Remarks
Location File and directory path  
Size size of file or directory  
Date created The date created the file or directory.
  • Varies depending on file systems used by DataSpider
    • Database Filesystem: shown
    • Extended Local Filesystem/ Local Filesystem: not shown
Date modified The last modified date  
Owner The owner of the file or the directory  
Group The group to which the owner of the file or the directory belongs  
Access permissions File permissions.
  • [Read]
    File: Files can be referenced.
    Directory: Entries of the directory can be referenced.
  • [Write]
    File: Files can be written.
    Directory: Files or directories within this directory can be created, renamed, and deleted.
  • [Execute]
    File: Not used.
    Directory: Permission to access the directory.
  • By default, access permissions granted to the user account is applied to the files and directories created.
    See Access permissions for any details.

Edit files

To open an text editor, use [File]-[Open] menu action.

Notice on text editor

Specification limit