Match to Regular Expression

Logic Name

Match to Regular Expression


Determines whether the input string matches the specified regular expression.

Data Types

Location Type
The first input handler String
Logic output Boolean
lightbulbRefer to "Logic Specifications" for details.


Category Property Description
Required Regular expression pattern Specify a regular expression pattern.
Null processing Null option Specify how to handle the input if it contains null.
Comment Comment The comment will also be output to the specifications.It does not affect the conversion process.

Null option

Option Description
Return false in case of null Outputs false if value of the input handler is null and continues with the process.
Convert null into empty string Converts null to empty string and continue with the process.
Throw exception when unable to determine/calculate/process Throws exception (CalculationException) when unable to determine/calculate/process.
Output null if any input is null Outputs null if the value of any input handler is null.
lightbulbRefer to "Logic Specifications" for details.

Function Details

Regular expression pattern

The available regular expression pattern is in accordance with java.util.regex.Pattern class of Java.
For details, refer to "Java(TM) Platform, Standard Edition 8 API Specification"(the URL below). (

Logic Sample

Mapping Definition

Logic Settings and Processing Result

If the input data is "Tokyo" or "Osaka" it returns "true". Otherwise it returns "false".
Property Settings
Property Setting
Regular expression pattern Tokyo|Osaka
Input Data
Result Data