Start Servers

Operation Name

Start Servers

Function overview

Starts the Amazon EC2 instance specified.


For information about using variables, refer to "variables".
Basic settings
Item name Required/Optional Use of Variables Description Remarks
Name Required Not available Enter the name on the script canvas.  
Required settings
Item name Required/Optional Use of Variables Description Remarks
Connect To Required Not available Select Global Resources.
  • [Add]:
    Adds new global resource.
  • [Edit list]:
    Global resource settings can be edited with "Edit Resource list".
Instance List Required Available Specify the IDs of the instances to be started.

Each column can be operated with the following buttons.
  • [Add]:
    Add an instance.
  • [Up]:
    Move the order of the selected instance upwards by one.
  • [Down]:
    Move the order of the selected instance downwards by one.
  • [Delete]:
    Delete the instance.
Instance List / Instance ID (Name) Required Available Specify ID of the instance to be started.
  • It will be displayed as 'Instance ID (Name tag value)' in the list.
    If the Name tag is absent, it will be displayed as 'Instance ID'.
  • Instance ID can be entered directly.
Instance List / Elastic IP Address Optional Available Specify Elastic IP Address that gets allotted to an instance when it is launched.
When [(Not specified)] is selected, no Elastic IP Address is allotted.
Wait Until Instance Starts Required Available
  • [Checked]: (default)
    Process is on hold until the instance is launched.
  • [Not Checked]:
    Proceeds with its subsequent operation without waiting for the launch of the instance is to complete.
  • If it is [Checked], the state of the instance in the process of being launched is monitored until it times out, determined by the value specified in the [Timeout] defined for the [Connect To] of the Global Resource specified.
    Once the launch of the instance is confirmed, it proceeds with its subsequent operation.
    Error will be raised, if the launched status of the instance is not confirmed within the millisecond value allotted for the [Timeout].
Property Action
Item name Description Supplement
Retrieving Instance List The Instance ID and Elastic IP address values registered in the [Connect To] setting are assembled so that they become available though [Instance List / Instance ID (Name)] and [Instance List / Elastic IP Address]. Instance IDs of any of the followings are not obtained.
  • Spot Instance
  • Instance whose root device type is 'instance-store'
  • instance with it status being 'shutting-down' or 'terminated'
Item name Required/Optional Use of Variables Description Remarks
Comment Optional Not available You can write a short description of this adapter.
The description will be reflected in the specifications.


Input Schema


Output Schema

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <instance currentInstanceState="" instanceId="" previousInstanceState="" />
Element Name Attribute Name Description Supplement
instance   Element occurs for every instance that has been started.  
currentInstanceState Returns current instance status.
  • [running]:Instance is launched.
  • [pending]:Instance is in the process of being launched.
  • [stopping]:Instance is in the process of being stopped.
  • [stopped]:Instance is stopped.
  • [shutting-down]:Instance started shutting down.
  • [terminated]:Instance is terminated.
instanceId Returns the instance ID.  
previousInstanceState Returns previous state of the instance.
  • [running]:Instance is launched.
  • [pending]:Instance is in the process of being launched.
  • [stopping]:Instance is in the process of being stopped.
  • [stopped]:Instance is stopped.
  • [shutting-down]:Instance started shutting down.
  • [terminated]:Instance is terminated.

Mass data processing

Mass data processing is not supported.


Transaction is not supported.

PSP Usage

PSP is not supported.

Available component variables

Component variable name Description Remarks
error_code When AmazonServiceException is thrown, Amazon Web Services error code to which it corresponds is stored.
  • The value defaults to null.
status_code When AmazonService Exception is thrown, HTTP status code is stored.
  • The value defaults to null.
message_category Stroes the category to which corresponding message code belongs to, when an error occurs.
  • The value defaults to null.
message_code Stores its corresponding message code of occured error.
  • The value defaults to null.
message_level Stores the severity of the corresponding message code of the occured error.
  • The value defaults to null.
error_type Stores the type of the occured error.
  • The value defaults to null.
  • Error is represented in the format depicted below.
  • The message may vary depending on DataSpider Servista version.
error_message Stores the error message for the occured error.
  • The value defaults to null.
  • The message may vary depending on DataSpider Servista version.
error_trace Stores stack trace of the occurred error.
  • The value defaults to null.
  • The message may vary depending on DataSpider Servista version or the client application used.

About Elastic IP address allocation

Specification Limits

Main exceptions

Exception name Cause REMEDY
Resource definition could not be found.Name: []
[Connect To] is not specified. Please specify [Connect To].
Resource definition could not be found.Name: [<name of Global Resources>]
Resource definition selected in [Connect To] is not found. Please check the global resource specified in [Connect To].
<Property Name> is not specified.
[<Property Name>] is not specified. Please specify [<Property Name>].
The status of the instance was not updated within the allotted millisecond in <Timeout>
Instance has failed to launch within the timeout period allotted by the [Connect To] [Timeout]. Please confirm the specified timeout value in the [Timeout] within the [Connect To].
Status Code: 400, AWS Request ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, AWS Error Code: IncorrectInstanceState, AWS Error Message: The instance '<Instance ID>' is not in a state from which it can be started. The instance is not in a state from which it can be started. Please check the status of the instance.
Status Code: 400, AWS Request ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, AWS Error Code: InvalidInstanceID.Malformed, AWS Error Message: Invalid id: "<Instance ID>" Instance ID specified in [Instance List / Instance ID (Name)] is invalid. Please check the Instance ID specified in [Instance List / Instance ID (Name)].
Status Code: 400, AWS Request ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, AWS Error Code: InvalidInstanceID.NotFound, AWS Error Message: The instance ID '<Instance ID>' does not exist The instance of the ID that is specified in the [Instance List / Instance ID (Name)] does not exists. Please check the Instance ID specified in [Instance List / Instance ID (Name)].
Status Code: 400, AWS Request ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, AWS Error Code: InvalidParameterValue, AWS Error Message: Invalid value '<IP address>' for PublicIp. Not a valid IPv4 address. The IP address specified in the [Instance List / Elastic IP Address] is invalid. Please check the IP address specified in the [Instance List / Elastic IP Address].
Status Code: 400, AWS Request ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, AWS Error Code: AuthFailure, AWS Error Message: The address '<IP address>' does not belong to you. The IP address specified in the [Instance List / Elastic IP Address] does not exists. Please check the IP address specified in the [Instance List / Elastic IP Address].
Status Code: 400, AWS Request ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, AWS Error Code: Resource.AlreadyAssociated, AWS Error Message: resource <Allocation ID> is already associated with associate-id <Association ID> The IP address specified in the [Instance List / Elastic IP Address] is already associated with another instance in a VPC. Please check the IP address specified in the [Instance List / Elastic IP Address].
Status Code: 400, AWS Request ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, AWS Error Code: Resource.AlreadyAssociated, AWS Error Message: resource <Instance ID> is already associated with public address <IP address>. The instance ID specified in the [Instance List / Instance ID (Name)] is an instance belongs to a VPC and has its IP address already assigned. Please remove the IP address of the instance that is in a VPC, if a different IP address need to be associated with it.
Status Code: 400, AWS Request ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, AWS Error Code: InvalidParameterCombination, AWS Error Message: You must specify an IP address when mapping to a non-VPC instance IP address specified in [Instance List / Elastic IP Address] can not be allotted to an instance that is not in VPC. Please check the IP address specified in the [Instance List / Elastic IP Address].
Status Code: 400, AWS Request ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, AWS Error Code: InvalidParameterCombination, AWS Error Message: You must specify an allocation id when mapping an address to a VPC instance IP address specified in [Instance List / Elastic IP Address] can not be allotted to an instance that is in a VPC. Please check the IP address specified in the [Instance List / Elastic IP Address].
Unable to execute HTTP request: Connect to timed out
Failed to send request to Amazon EC2. Request has exceeded the allotted millisecond value in [Timeout]. Try increasing the millisecond value in the [Timeout] or verify the network connectivity with Amazon EC2 service.
Unable to execute HTTP request: <Endpoint>
[Endpoint] specified by [Connect To] is not available. Make sure that all properties specified within the [Connect To] for the specified Global Resource are provided with correct information.
