All Message Codes fall into FILE Category

The following message codes corresponds to the error occurred during file operations.

Message Code Description
FILE0001E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when a file with the specified pathname does not exist.
FILE0002E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when attempting to open a file that is a directory.
FILE0003E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when attempting to access locked file.
FILE0004E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when the specified pathname is absolute path.
FILE0005E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when the pathname specified is absolute.
FILE0006E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when file to be generated is already found the at the specified pathname location.
FILE0007E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when attempting to perform manipulation on an empty directory.
FILE0008E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when files access attempt has failed.
FILE0009E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when attempting to access the specified pathname location that happens to be a file when a directory location is expected.
FILE0010E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when invalid file operation was performed.
FILE0011E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when the file name specified is invalid.

All Message Codes fall into IO Category

The following message codes corresponds to the error occurred during I/O operations.

Message Code Description
IO0001E Message code corresponds to the error which is occurred due to a failed I/O operation of some sort, such as file or network.
IO0002E Message code corresponds to the error which is occurred when character encoding specified is unsupported.

All Message Codes fall into NETWORK Category

The following message codes corresponds to the error occurred when network related operations performed have failed.

Message Code Description
NETWORK0001E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when the host specified could not be determined.
NETWORK0002E Message code corresponds to the error raised to indicate that there is a problem in the underlying protocol used for the communication between the server and the other hosts connected with it.
NETWORK0003E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when a connection is refused to the remote host.
NETWORK0004E Message code corresponds to the error which indicates that the specified URL is found to be malformed.
NETWORK0005E Message code corresponds to the error which indicates that the client and server could not negotiate the desired level of SSL security.

All Message Codes fall into DB Category

The following message codes corresponds to the error occurred during database operations.

Message Code Description
DB0001E Message code corresponds to the error raised during overall database operation processes.

All Message Codes fall into TRANSACTION Category

The following message codes corresponds to the error occurred during a transactional process.

Message Code Description
TRANSACTION0001E Message code corresponds to the error which indicates the transactional operation has failed.

All Message Codes fall into DATA Category

The following message codes corresponds to error messages asserted when erroneousness in data is detected.

Message Code Description
DATA0001E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when parsing XML document has failed.
DATA0002E Message code corresponds to the error occurred during transformation of XML document.
DATA0003E Message code corresponds to the error occurred during conversions to numeric values.
DATA0004E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when there is an exceptional arithmetic condition. For example, an integer "divide by zero" .
DATA0005E Message code corresponds to the error occurred which indicates that the specified data is not valid as XML.
DATA0006E Message code corresponds to the error occurred while executing Receive Data Check Error Details operation.
DATA0007E Message code output when the error occurs which indicates the result data is used in multiple components.

All Message Codes fall into SECURITY Category

The following message codes corresponds to the error which indicates that security violation has occurred.

Message Code Description
SECURITY0001E Message code corresponds to the error which indicates that an operation violation has occurred.

All Message Codes fall into MEMORY Category

The following message codes corresponds to the error occurred because the system has run out of heap memory space and failed to satisfy object allocation requested.

Message Code Description
MEMORY0001E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when the system could not allocate an object requested because of the available memory being insufficient.

All Message Codes fall into EXTERNAL Category

The following message codes corresponds to error messages raised due to unsatisfied conditions of externally installed dependent components that are required to perform ConnectServer operations.

Message Code Description
EXTERNAL0001E Message corresponds to the error occurred when the definition of a class that the system has tried to load in could not be found.
EXTERNAL0002E Message corresponds to the error occurred due to the OS platform's configuration which happens to be invalid.

All Message Codes fall into SCRIPT Category

The following message codes corresponds to the error occurred during script execution.

Message Code Description
SCRIPT0001E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when no input data is determined.
SCRIPT0002E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when no global resource is found.
SCRIPT0003E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when problem lies in the settings for the component.
SCRIPT0004E Message code corresponds to the error which indicates that the service specified could be found.
SCRIPT0005E Message code corresponds to the error which indicates that the specified script could not be found.
SCRIPT0006E Message code corresponds to the error which indicates that the Call script operation has failed.
SCRIPT0007E Message code corresponds to the error which indicates that the XML schema of the input data is invalid.
SCRIPT0008E Message code corresponds to the error which indicates that the invocation of external application has failed.
SCRIPT0009E Message code corresponds to the error which indicates that the execution of the script has been interrupted.
SCRIPT0010E Message code corresponds to the error which indicates that launching the external application was not completed within the [Timeout].

Message code list of PSP category

The following message codes correspond to the error related to PSP.

Message Code Description
PSP0001E This message code indicates that the result data is used in multiple components.
PSP0002E The message code indicates that the processing of the component failed during the execution of PSP.

All Message Codes fall into MAPPER Category

The following message codes corresponds to the error occurred during Mapper operations.

Message Code Description
MAPPER0001E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when a logic component has failed its operations and its [Null option] set to the "Throw exception when unable to determine/calculate/process".
MAPPER0002E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when a logic component is mapped to an unsupported data type.
MAPPER0003E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when a logic component has failed to perform data transformation internally.
MAPPER0004E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when encrypting/decrypting logic component has failed to perform its cryptographic operation.
MAPPER0005E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when the [2 or more match records] property is set to "Raise exception" in the Replace by DB Table logic.
MAPPER0006E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when the [0 match record] property is set to "Raise exception" in the Replace by DB Table logic.

All Message Codes fall into MERGE Category

The following message codes corresponds to the error occurred during Merge Mapper operations.

Message Code Description
MERGE0001E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when Merge Mapper failed to perform its operation.
MERGE0002E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when Merge Mapper is configured improperly.

All Message Codes fall into USER Category

The following message codes corresponds to the error that indicates the occurrence of the Exception Notice.

Message Code Description
USER0001E Message code corresponds to the error which indicates that Exception Notice has been executed.

All Message Codes fall into OTHER Category

All other message codes which do not belong to a specific category.

Message Code Description
OTHER0000E Message code corresponds to undefined error occurred.
OTHER0001E Message code corresponds to the error which indicates that the application attempted to call a method on a null in a case where an object is required.
OTHER0002E Message code corresponds to the error which indicates a method has been invoked at an illegal or inappropriate time, or the object is not in an appropriate state for the requested operation.
OTHER0003E Message code corresponds to the error which indicates a component has been passed an illegal or inappropriate input data.

All message code falls into ASSERT category

Message codes correspond to the error which may occur during ASSERT adapter.

Message Code Description
ASSERT0000E Message code corresponds to undefined error occurred.
ASSERT0001E Message code corresponds to the error raised when assertion failed.

BASICCONV Category Message Code List

These are message codes that corresponds to the errors that occurs in basic conversion.

Message Code Description
BASICCONV0001E Message code output when a problem occurred during data conversion.
BASICCONV0002E Message code output when a problem occurred while using a temporary file in conversion.

All Message Codes fall into CHARCONV Category

The following message codes corresponds to error messages raised by Character Converter.

Message Code Description
CHARCONV0000E Message code corresponds to undefined error occurred.

All Message Codes fall into TABLECONV Category

The following message codes corresponds to error messages raised by Table Converter.

Message Code Description
TABLECONV0000E Message code corresponds to undefined error occurred.
TABLECONV0001E [Input data]is not a table model type

All Message Codes fall into XSLTCONV Category

The following message codes corresponds to error messages raised by XSLT Converter.

Message Code Description
XSLTCONV0000E Message code corresponds to undefined error occurred.
XSLTCONV0001E Specified style sheet is not compliant with the XSLT format.
XSLTCONV0002E An Error occurred during XSLT conversion process.

All Message Codes fall into ACCESS Category

The following message codes corresponds to error messages raised by Access adapter.

Message Code Description
ACCESS0000E Message code corresponds to undefined error occurred.
ACCESS0001E Message code corresponds to the error occurred during the database operations.

All Message Codes fall into DB2 Category

The following message codes corresponds to error messages raised by DB2 Adapter.

Message Code Description
DB20000E Message code corresponds to undefined error occurred.
DB20001E Message code corresponds to the error occurred during the database operations.
DB20002E Message code indicates Loader command has failed to start.

All Message Codes fall into MYSQL Category

The following message codes corresponds to error messages raised by MySQL adapter.

Message Code Description
MYSQL0000E Message code corresponds to undefined error occurred.
MYSQL0001E Message code corresponds to the error occurred during the database operations.
MYSQL0002E Message code corresponds to the error occurred during connecting to the database.

All Message Codes fall into ORACLE Category

The following message codes corresponds to error messages raised by Oracle adapter.

Message Code Description
ORACLE0000E Message code corresponds to undefined error occurred.
ORACLE0001E Message code corresponds to the error occurred during the database operations.
ORACLE0002E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when opening XA connection to the database fails.
ORACLE0003E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when OCI connections to the database fails.
ORACLE0004E Message code indicates Loader command has failed to start.

All Message Codes fall into POSTGRESQL Category

The following message codes corresponds to error messages raised by PostgreSQL Adapter.

Message Code Description
POSTGRESQL0000E Message code corresponds to undefined error occurred.
POSTGRESQL0001E Message code corresponds to the error occurred during the database operations.

All Message Codes fall into SQLSERVER Category

The following message codes corresponds to error messages raised by SQL Server adapter.

Message Code Description
SQLSERVER0000E Message code corresponds to undefined error occurred.
SQLSERVER0001E Message code corresponds to the error occurred during the database operations.
SQLSERVER0002E Message code indicates Loader command has failed to start.

All Message Codes fall into CSV Category

The following message codes corresponds to error messages raised by CSV adapter.

Message Code Description
CSV0000E Message code corresponds to undefined error occurred.

All Message Codes fall into EXCEL Category

The following message codes corresponds to error messages raised by Excel adapter.

Message Code Description
EXCEL0000E Message code corresponds to undefined error occurred.
EXCEL0001E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when Excel workbook is password protected.
EXCEL0002E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when Excel workbook is invalid.
EXCEL0003E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when Excel workbook is invalid.
EXCEL0004E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when the specified Excel workbook cannot be read.
EXCEL0005E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when the specified address of the cell to start the processing with happens to be invalid.
EXCEL0006E Message code corresponds to the error occurred when the specified defined range cannot be retrieved.
EXCEL0007E Message code indicates that invalid format is detected
EXCEL0008E Message code indicates the number of rows has exceeded its maximum.
EXCEL0009E Message code indicates that the cell address specified is invalid.
EXCEL0010E Message code output when failed to read the format from input data.
EXCEL0011E Message code output when the sheet does not exist.

All Message Codes fall into FILEOPE Category

The following message codes corresponds to error messages raised by File operation adapter.

Message Code Description
FILEOPE0000E Message code corresponds to undefined error occurred.
FILEOPE0001E Message code corresponds to the error occurred during overall file operations.
FILEOPE0002E Message code corresponds to the error occurred during compressing or decompressing a zip file.

Message Code List of DSBPM Category

These are message codes that correspond to errors that occur in the DataSpider BPM adapter.

Message Code Description
DSBPM0000E This message code appears when an undefined error occurred.
DSBPM0001E This message code appears when you fail to get the authentication of DataSpider BPM server.
DSBPM0002E This message code appears when a specified process model does not exist.
DSBPM0003E This message code appears when there are more than one process of same [Category] and same [Process model].
DSBPM0004E This message code appears when an execution of specified process model did not normally terminated due to forced termination.
DSBPM0005E This message code appears when execution of a specified process model of leading task failed.
DSBPM0006E This message code appears when a specified organization does not exist.
DSBPM0007E This message code appears when a specified user does not exist.
DSBPM0008E This message code appears when a specified email address is false.

Message Code List of TABLEAU Category

The following message codes correspond to errors raised by Tableau adapter.

Message Code Description
TABLEAU0000E Message code output when an undefined error occurred.
TABLEAU0001E Message code output when an error occured in Tableau Data Extract API used by TDE File Output operation.
TABLEAU0002E Message code output when an error response is returned from the destination Tableau Server or Tableau Online.
TABLEAU0003E Message code output when a problem occured in connection with Tableau Server or Tableau Online.

All Message Codes fall into HULFT Category

The following shows message codes for errors on HULFT adapters.

Message Code Description
HULFT0000E The message code that is output if an undefined error occurs.
HULFT0001E The exception that occurs if process creation fails.
HULFT0002E The exception that occurs if the Status Code is not 0 after a command runs.
HULFT0003E The exception that occurs if a parameter setting is incorrect.

All Message Codes fall into HULFTSCRIPT Category

The following shows message codes for errors on HULFT Script read history information adapters.

Message Code Description
HULFTSCRIPT0000E The message code that is output if an undefined error occurs.
HULFTSCRIPT0001E The exception that occurs if the file output with the history information from HULFT Script trigger does not exist.