Type name | Support | Remarks |
BIGINT | Yes | |
BIT[(n)] | No | |
BIT VARYING[(n)] | Limited | |
BOOLEAN | Yes | |
BOX | Limited | |
BYTEA | Limited | |
MONEY | No | |
CHARACTER[(n)] | Limited | |
CHARACTER VARYING[(n)] | Limited | |
CIDR | Limited | |
CIRCLE | Limited | |
DATE | Yes | |
INET | Limited | |
INTEGER | Yes | |
INTERVAL[(p)] | Limited | |
LINE | No | |
LSEG | Limited | |
MACADDR | Limited | |
NUMERIC[(p,s)] | Yes | |
PATH | Limited | |
POINT | Limited | |
POLYGON | Limited | |
REAL | Yes | |
SMALLINT | Yes | |
SERIAL | No | |
TEXT | Limited | |
TIME[(P)] | No | |
TIMESTAMP[(P)] | Yes | |
ARRAY | Limited | |
UUID | No | |
ENUM | No | |
XML | No | |
JSON | No | |
JSONB | No | |
RANGE | No |
Exception name | Cause | Actions | |
java.sql.SQLException | Batch entry 0 insert into "<table name>" ("<column names>") values ( <column values>) was aborted. Call getNextException to see the cause. | Specified table name is illeagal, or specified table does not exist. | Make sure the specified table name is valid. |
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException | Connection to "<host name>:<port number>" refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections. | Cannot connect to the database. | Check the [Port number]. |
FATAL: database "<database name>" does not exist. | Specified database does not exist. | Make sure the specified database exists. | |
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "<user name>" | Incorrect user name or password. | Check the [User name] and [Password]. | |
ERROR: syntax error at or near "<table name>" | Specified table name is illegal. | Make sure the specified table name is valid. | |
ERROR: relation "<table name>" does not exist | Specified table does not exist. | Make sure the specified table exists. | |
ERROR: permission denied for relation <table name> | User has no permission to perform the operation on the specified table. | Check the owner and permissions of the specified table. | |
The server does not support SSL. | PostgreSQL server dose not support SSL connections. | Ensure the settings are correct.
See PostgreSQL SSL settings for any details. |
The connection attempt failed. | Cannot connect to the database. | Check the [Hostname]. | |
SSL error: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target | Service certificate has not been imported into the keystore DataSpiderServer references. | Import the certificate into the keystore that DataSpiderServer references.
For details, see Certificate Installation. |
FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "<host name>", user "<username>", database "<database name>", SSL off | Appropriate authentication information for Non-SSL connections to the PostgreSQL server does not exist. | Ensure that settings of the Global Resource specified in the [Destination] or of the PostgreSQL server are correct. | |
FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "<host name>", user "<username>", database "<database name>", SSL on | Appropriate authentication information for SSL connections to the PostgreSQL server does not exist. | Ensure that settings of the Global Resource specified in the [Destination] or of the PostgreSQL server are correct. |