Import of certificate

For SSL communication between DataSpiderServer and each components, private key and certificate created by certificate authority (CA) need to be placed in MySQL, and certificate need to be imported to the keystore that DataSpiderServer refers to.
The procedures are explained as follows.

Location of the executable file of keytool

Import Keystore

It is the procedure to import certificate file into the keystore using keytool.
  1. Place certificate file on the OS which DataSpiderServer run.

  2. Stop DataSpiderServer,

  3. Start Command project (shell in case of UNIX/Linux version), then start of registration certificate by running the following command.

    keytool -importcert -noprompt -trustcacerts -keystore "$DATASPIDER_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts" -alias <Alias name> -file <File path of certificate>

  4. Enter a password for the keystore.
    The initial password for the keystore is "changeit". If you do not change the password, please input the following: <password> is "changeit".

    Input the password of the key store:  <password>

  5. Once successfully registered, the following message is displayed.

    Certificate was added to keystore.

  6. Start DataSpiderServer.
