Exit Status

Exit Status

Exit Status is a value returned to the caller of the script when the execution completes.
If a return value is specified in the script's end component it will be used as the exit status for the script. This value is generated automatically if there is none.

Value Summary Description
-10000 and less System defined error Reserved as the exit status upon the system definition error.
-1 - -9999 User defined error exit status User defined error exit status code. An integer value between -1 and -9999 can be specified as the return value of end component.
0 Default successful exit status The default successful exit status code
1 - 9999 User defined successful exit status User defined successful exit status code. An integer value between 1 and 9999 can be specified as the return value of end component.
not less than 10000 System defined successful exit status Reserved as the exit status upon the system definition error.

System defined error exit status

System defined error exit status code.
The values in the table below are subject to change in the future releases.Any change will be indicated in the release note.
Value Successful/Error Description
-10101 Error Exit status code returned when a component in a script has failed its operation.
-10102 Error Exit status code returned when loading a script has failed.
-10103 Error Exit status code returned when arguments passed to a script are invalid.
-10104 Error Exit status code returned when transaction of a script has been rolled back.
-10105 Error Exit status code returned when the execution of a script has been terminated by an interruption.
-10201 Error Exit status code returned when a script has failed to succeed due to transaction failure.
-10301 Error Exit status code returned when you do not have script execution permission.
-20001 Error Exit status code returned when a script has failed to succeed due to an unidentifiable reason.
-20002 Error Exit status code returned when a script has failed to succeed unexpectedly.
-20003 Error Exit status code returned when there is a connection failure.
-20004 Error Exit status code returned when there is an issue in threading and concurrency management
-20005 Error Exit status code returned when the execution of a script has been terminated by the timeout set for the script.