Generating SSH private key and public key

To perform communication between DataSpiderServer and the destination, generating private key and public key is required. For how to use the generated private key and public key refer to each help component.
In this page, steps to generate private key and public key using PuTTYgen are described.

How to get PuTTYgen

Download "PuTTYgen" from PuTTY Download Page(

Generating private key and public key using PuTTYgen

Steps in generating private key and public key is as follows.
  1. Starting PuTTYgen
    Execute puttygen.exe and start PuTTYgen.

  2. Select encryption method
    Open "Key" from menu and select "SSH-2 RSA key" or "SSH-2 DSA key".
    Encryption method other than "SSH-2 RSA key" or "SSH-2 DSA key" is not supported.

  3. Specifying bit length
    Enter optional bit length to "Number of bits in a generated key"(Above "2048" is recommended).
    bit length effects encryption strength. The bigger the bit length value is the stronger the encryption is.

  4. Generating random number
    Click generate button. If "Please generate some randomness by moving the mouse over the blank area." shows up, move the mouse on PuTTYgen window and generate necessary random numbers.

  5. Setting passphrase
    Enter optional passphrase to "Key passphrase" and "Confirm passphrase".
    If passphrase is not set to private key, input is not necessary.

  6. Saving private key
    Select "Conversions" - "Export OpenSSH key" from menu and save after specifying any output destination.
    Private key saved by not selecting "Conversions" - "Export OpenSSH key", or private key saved by clicking "Save private key" button is not supported.

  7. Saving public key
    Public key contents will be showed to "Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file". Copy public key contents accordingly to the necessity and save to optional file.
    Public key saved by clicking "Save public key" button is not supported.

  8. Ending PuTTYgen
    Ends PuTTYgen.