All message code falls into JMS category

Message codes correspond to the error which may occur during JMS adapter.


Message code corresponds to undefined error occurred.

Causes Solution
Undefined error has occurred See the accompanying error messages which should indicate the cause of the error.

Corresponding error


Message code indicates instantiating the object of initial context factory class has failed.

Causes Solution
[Initial context factory name] of the global resource is wrong, or class library ha not been copied. Check [Initial context factory name] of the global resource.Or check if the class library has been copied.

Corresponding error


Message code indicates provider URL is incorrect.

Causes Solution
[Provider URL] of the global resource is incorrect. Confirm [Provider URL] of the global resource.

Corresponding error


Message code indicates an error has occurred when using the naming service.

Causes Solution
[Topic factory] or [Queue factory] of the global resource is incorrect. Confirm [Topic factory] or [Queue factory] of the global resource.
[Topic name] or [Queue name] of the global resource is incorrect. Confirm [Topic name] or [Queue name] of the global resource .

Corresponding error


Message code indicates connecting to the JMS provider has failed.

Causes Solution
JMS provider is not running, or the connection settings are incorrect. Check whether JMS provider is running, or check the contents of connections setting of the global resource.

Corresponding error


Message code indicates message type is invalid.

Causes Solution
Message type specified at [Input data] of Send Message operation is invalid. Check message type.

Corresponding error