
Record Schema

Record schema is a schema that shows the record contents used in Get Record, Add Record, and Update Record.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Schema type>
The schema type (element in record element) varies in this adapter, depending on the [Field type].

The schema type corresponds to each [Field type] is as follows.

Field type Schema type
Record number Value type
Record ID Value type
Creator User type
Updater User type
Created date Value type
Updated date Value type
Numeric value Value type
Calculation Value type
Rich text Value type
Radio button Value type
Select multiply Array type
Date Value type
Time and date Value type
Link Value type
Character string (1 line) Value type
Character string (multiple lines) Value type
Check box Array type
Drop down Value type
Attached file FileArraytype
Time Value type
Select user UserArray type
Look Up Type that corresponds to the browsing field.
Sub-table SubTable type
Category Array type
Status Value type
Operaor UserArray type

Value type

<value comment=""/>
Element name Attribute name Description Remarks
value - Shows the Value type value.

User type

<user comment="" name="">
Element name Attribute name Description Remarks
user - Shows the User type value
  • User ID fits in to the value.
- name Shows user name.
  • Due to the writing impossibility, does not appear in input schema.

Array type

<array comment="">
Element name Attribute name Description Remarks
array - Shows Array type array.
value - Shows element value in the array.

User Array type

<array comment="">
  <user name=""/>
Element name Attribute name Description Remarks
array - Shows Array type array.
user - Shows User type value.
  • User ID fits in to the value.
- name Shows user name.
  • Due to the writing impossibility, does not appear in input schema.

File Array type

<-- If [Attached file output destination] or [Attached file input source] is [Data (Base64)] -->
<array comment="">
  <file name="" size="" contentType="">
<-- If [Attached file output destination] or [Attached file input source] is [File] -->
<array comment="">
  <file name="" size="" contentType="">
Element name Attribute name Description Remarks
array - Shows Array type array.
file - Shows file type value.
  • Key to specify file fits in to the value.
- name Shows file name.
- size Shows file size.
  • Due to the writing impossibility, does not appear in input schema.
- contentType Shows file content type.
  • Due to the writing impossibility, does not appear in input schema.
content - Shows attached file contents.
path - Shows either attached file output destination or input source path.

SubTable type

<subTable comment="">
Element name Attribute name Description Remarks
subTable - Shows sub-table.
record - Shows sub-table record.
  • In the record element, appears the elements that shows fields except for SubTable type.

API schema

API schema is a schama that shows the API in-output parameter used in API calling process.
For more details on API, refer to REST API at "kintone API"(

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <Schema body>
Schema body (element in rootelement) implements interconversion between JSON format and XML format, and shows as API parameter.
Object type, Array type and Character string type as the JSON format type, will become the following formats.

Object type

<JSON member name/>
Element name Attribute name Description Remarks
JSON member name - Shows JSON object type.

Array type

<JSON member name comment="array"/>
Element name Attribute name Description Remarks
JSON member name - Shows JSON array type.
- comment If the value is array, shows the array type.
element - Shows the element of array.

Character string type

<JSON member name comment="Attribute showing format">
Element name Attribute name Description Remarks
JSON member name - Shows JSON array type.
- comment Attribute value showing format
  • For more information about format, refer to kintone API specification of "To Get API Schema information"(